Presentation Guidelines
Invited oral presentations
- Total allotted time per presentation is 35 minutes. Speakers should allow for an approximately 10 minutes discussion.
- The standard presentation is supposed to be PC-supported. Thus, to minimize technical problems, please, bring your own notebook.
- If you need any additional technical support, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Poster presentation
- The posters will be shown during the whole symposium. Thus, please mount your poster as early as possible.
- The poster session is located in the hallway of the conference building. You will find your individual poster number.
- The presence of the author(s) during the odd- and even-numbered poster session will be expected.
- A panel measuring 1.20m wide and 1.46 m high for each poster will be provided. Within this size, authors are free to create their poster format.
- If you are a member of the SFB 1432
- use our poster template.
- design your poster within the corporate design of the university, which can be found here.
- use the official logo,
- quote your project number
- and add the financing (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, SFB 1432 – Project-ID 425217212).
- An abstract is required for every oral presentation and every poster.
- Please make sure you are within a maximum length of a single DIN A4 page including title, authors, text, figures and references.
The abstract should include the following:- Title
- Authors (for posters: please underline the person who will present the poster during the conference)
- Institutions
- Content (incl. figures if necessary)
- References
- To achieve a uniform layout for the conference booklet, the following template should be used:
- Please upload a pdf copy of the abstract with the source document.
The abstract submission will be opened end of November and is separated from the registration.